WARNING: Scam Website fx-trading.club Posing as FXTRADING.com
- November 11, 2022
- FXT News
Dear client,
Please be advised that the website fx-trading.club is a scam attempting to imitate FXTRADING.com and leverage off of our goodwill and strong business. Do not engage with fx-trading.club and note that fx-trading.club is not associated with FXTRADING.com in any way.
FXTRADING.com is aware that fx-trading.club is attempting to deceive and scam clients by requesting funds from our clients via a fraudulent client portal.
Please be aware and double-check the URL (website address) is “fxtrading.com”.

Always check that emails are coming from us (you can right click or tap on a name in emails to see the address it was sent from). If it is not ending in “@FXTRADING.com” then please be very careful and confirm with us directly via our website FXTRADING.com in Livechat, support email or give us a call.
In the situation where you are approached by, or have interactions with fx-trading.club please advise FXTRADING.com at your earliest convenience with full details of the situation.
Be aware and stay safe, our client’s safety and prosperity are our top priority. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.